Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday Funday, y'all! I hope each and everyone of you has had an amazing day and week! Enjoy what little we have left of the weekend! So, if you guys have not heard my great news - I am applying to Parsons The New School of Design (a.k.a. "fashion school")! I am applying to the one located in New York City, although I am secretly wishing I was applying to the Paris campus.

Unfortunately, I decided to apply with a time crunch due to the fact that the application and portfolio is due by February 1st. All last week, I have been digging through all of the pictures I have ever taken and decided there was no way I was submitting any of those for my portfolio. Lucky for me, I have friends who are a natural in front of the camera and were willing to model for me. 

Pretty much all I'm saying here is:
1. I'm applying to fashion school.
2. I may or may not end up going to New York City for college.
3. I make spontaneous decisions.
4. Sunday was a fun day because I did two photo shoots.
5. I have amazing friends. 
6. I wanted to share some pictures with y'all. 

First shoot was a Audrey Hepburn inspired photo shoot.


Then Lauren changed into a more Blair Waldorf inspired look.

Second shoot was a "bad boy" inspired shoot. 

Because two is better than one. 

DISCLAIMER: No cigarettes were smoke nor beer drank in the making of this photograph. 
Of course that was not all of the pictures that I took today but editing can definitely wear you out! I am so thankful for friends like Lauren and Michael! They were so easy to work with and I love them both! Watch out for them in magazines soon ;) They are both so talented! I mean who can go from Audrey Hepburn to Sandy Olssson-esk? You wouldn't have known that Michael and Lauren have never met until tonight from these pictures! 

Okay, I'm done bragging about my friends! Please do let me know how you like these pictures though! I love getting feedback on my pictures! Have a great night, y'all!
A Southern Asian: Sunday Funday

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Funday

Happy Sunday Funday, y'all! I hope each and everyone of you has had an amazing day and week! Enjoy what little we have left of the weekend! So, if you guys have not heard my great news - I am applying to Parsons The New School of Design (a.k.a. "fashion school")! I am applying to the one located in New York City, although I am secretly wishing I was applying to the Paris campus.

Unfortunately, I decided to apply with a time crunch due to the fact that the application and portfolio is due by February 1st. All last week, I have been digging through all of the pictures I have ever taken and decided there was no way I was submitting any of those for my portfolio. Lucky for me, I have friends who are a natural in front of the camera and were willing to model for me. 

Pretty much all I'm saying here is:
1. I'm applying to fashion school.
2. I may or may not end up going to New York City for college.
3. I make spontaneous decisions.
4. Sunday was a fun day because I did two photo shoots.
5. I have amazing friends. 
6. I wanted to share some pictures with y'all. 

First shoot was a Audrey Hepburn inspired photo shoot.

Then Lauren changed into a more Blair Waldorf inspired look.

Second shoot was a "bad boy" inspired shoot. 

Because two is better than one. 

DISCLAIMER: No cigarettes were smoke nor beer drank in the making of this photograph. 
Of course that was not all of the pictures that I took today but editing can definitely wear you out! I am so thankful for friends like Lauren and Michael! They were so easy to work with and I love them both! Watch out for them in magazines soon ;) They are both so talented! I mean who can go from Audrey Hepburn to Sandy Olssson-esk? You wouldn't have known that Michael and Lauren have never met until tonight from these pictures! 

Okay, I'm done bragging about my friends! Please do let me know how you like these pictures though! I love getting feedback on my pictures! Have a great night, y'all!


At January 27, 2014 at 7:21 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

LOVE these!! I'm obsessed with all of them but the Audrey themed shots are my favorites - pinning them now!! You're so talented!!


At January 28, 2014 at 3:07 PM , Blogger Christine said...

Awe, thanks Katie!! We'll have to go and take some pictures one day! :)


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