13 Things I Learned In 2013 & New Year Resolution

(I would like to sincerely apologize for abandoning this blog after two posts. It won't happen again.)

Happy New Year! Can you believe it's already 2014? That is just crazy. I decided to kick off the new year with time to reflect on the past year. 2013 definitely had its ups and downs, but honestly, I am ready for 2014. I have experienced a lot and have learned a lot this past year and I wanted to share with y'all the top 13 things I learned in 2013.

1. C'est la vie.
2. Let things go.
3. Look into the future for hope.
4. Wear whatever you want to wear.
5. Who cares - you can't please everyone.
6. Feed your passion.
7. Being single is not going to kill you.
8. High school doesn't define who you are.
9. Don't try too hard to look for happiness because it's a state of mind not a destination.
10. Friends come and go. 
11. Cherish the little things in life.
12. You are your worst critic. Love yourself.
13. Searching for yourself is a struggle.
With that being said, I am ready to kick 2014 in the butt because I need a good year! New Year resolutions have always been so cheesy to me because I feel as if no one ever sticks with them. However, I also have learned that a resolution or goal should not be unattainable. You should set a goal that is achievable and reasonable.

1. Find my support group.
2. Stop comparing myself to others. 
3. Find a way to end up in New York - either for college or for a trip.
5. Learn to feed my passion even more.
6. Complete the 365 days project.
7. Give back more than I receive. 
8. Take risks.
9. Go on adventures. 
10. Have a kick ass summer to celebrate the end of high school and the start of college.
11. Save more, spend less.
12. Be more loving and caring.
13. Live a healthy lifestyle.

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I have learned and what I hope for in upcoming year. Maybe it gave you some ideas for your New Year resolution! I hope you had/have a great New Year! May 2014 bring y'all amazing things!
A Southern Asian: 13 Things I Learned In 2013 & New Year Resolution

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

13 Things I Learned In 2013 & New Year Resolution

(I would like to sincerely apologize for abandoning this blog after two posts. It won't happen again.)

Happy New Year! Can you believe it's already 2014? That is just crazy. I decided to kick off the new year with time to reflect on the past year. 2013 definitely had its ups and downs, but honestly, I am ready for 2014. I have experienced a lot and have learned a lot this past year and I wanted to share with y'all the top 13 things I learned in 2013.

1. C'est la vie.
2. Let things go.
3. Look into the future for hope.
4. Wear whatever you want to wear.
5. Who cares - you can't please everyone.
6. Feed your passion.
7. Being single is not going to kill you.
8. High school doesn't define who you are.
9. Don't try too hard to look for happiness because it's a state of mind not a destination.
10. Friends come and go. 
11. Cherish the little things in life.
12. You are your worst critic. Love yourself.
13. Searching for yourself is a struggle.
With that being said, I am ready to kick 2014 in the butt because I need a good year! New Year resolutions have always been so cheesy to me because I feel as if no one ever sticks with them. However, I also have learned that a resolution or goal should not be unattainable. You should set a goal that is achievable and reasonable.

1. Find my support group.
2. Stop comparing myself to others. 
3. Find a way to end up in New York - either for college or for a trip.
5. Learn to feed my passion even more.
6. Complete the 365 days project.
7. Give back more than I receive. 
8. Take risks.
9. Go on adventures. 
10. Have a kick ass summer to celebrate the end of high school and the start of college.
11. Save more, spend less.
12. Be more loving and caring.
13. Live a healthy lifestyle.

I hope you enjoyed seeing what I have learned and what I hope for in upcoming year. Maybe it gave you some ideas for your New Year resolution! I hope you had/have a great New Year! May 2014 bring y'all amazing things!


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